About Melissa Stamper
Melissa was born and raised in Dayton Ohio where she currently lives with her husband and two cats, Ichabod & Hobbes.
She loves reading, watching T.V. and hosting movies nights for her friends.
Some of her Favorite T.V. shows:
I Love Lucy
Schitt’s Creek
Stranger Things
Gilmore Girls
Parks & Rec
The Office
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
The Mindy Project
Rick And Morty
Star Vs. The Forces of Evil
Future Man
Some of her Favorite Movies:
Jumanji Welcome to the Jungle and The Next Level
Ready Player One
Harry Potter
The Mummy (1999)
Anything Marvel
All Romantic Comedies
Anything Animated
Most Musicals
Favorite Books:
Harry Potter 1-7
Some of her Favorite Authors:
J.K. Rowling
Kristen Ashley
R.L. Mathewson
Jude Deveraux
Michael Connelly
Some of her favorite people:
her mom
her husband
Mindy Kaling